shades of gold fall like leaves on the first day of Autumn.
strips of black and white color a man’s blurred vision.
strings of conversation wildly race across a poets mind at 3am.
to have known a flower with such incredible color brings pleasure.

lost petals run away with the wind.
a forest shares secrets of beauty & sin.
shades of brown proudly walk in good knowledge of love.
pure evidence of the existence of the One Above.
your silence speaks volumes.

blue sky, free you are. in this planet with 8 billion searching souls, you’re the only one who doesn’t conform to gravity’s rules.
the many faces of pure you showed me, i adored.
and that piece of mind, for peace in life, you proudly adorned.

its kind of weird, for the first time i saw a raven wearing a fedora.
i think saw wings play drumbeats.
& had my mind go like how dead fish in a river flow.
you ever watch a painting and relive the thoughts of a painter? relive poetry?

that was you.

Teddy Bear Tribe.

Pretty Girls Hurt My Lungs

i sat for quiet a long time staring at a tiny rock thinking how i am going to fucking impress you?
sorry for the language but you’ve impressed me.
i sat and watched and came up with sad pickup lines like, “hey, you ain’t the HOTTEST girl here tonight, but beauty is only a light-switch away!”
& you’d probably .. slap the taste out of my mouth.

so i was thinking, how many drinks would it take to get you with me?
i need you to see that in my medulla you’re so fucking perfect.

we could get drunk, and walk around town and make silly sounds and talk about how we’ve found the perfect love even if it lasted one night.

let me tell you. pretty girls hurt my lungs like violin strings which have been strung so much they doubt their ability to create beauty but we all know broken strings create the most beautiful music.

im not even going to try and be poetic and quote Edgar A. Poe to just run wild in your bedsheets. i’ll drink my bottle of wine, and think of a master plan to get you in time.


Teddy Bear Tribe.

Cold Uncomfortableness

cold uncomfortableness, like the Nile River long or the oceans emotions cold.

uncomfortableness, like a friendly stab in the back by a person you trust. but i trust no man.

cold, like a man who rapes a young girl with a bright future and decides to mess it up for her because he had to satisfy his needs.

cold uncomfortableness, like a man who sex with a woman but then decides to run away because his father taught him the motto of life is: ditch the mom, leave the baby. cold.

uncomfortableness, like the big people in government who use tax money to buy fast cars, expensive houses. they then forget the people that got them there.

cold, like a 5 year old who gets shot fearlessly.

cold uncomfortableness, like fake gangsters who shoot innocent people because they feel drugs & their needs are bigger than any man on this planet.

uncomfortableness, like human greed which leads a man to be controlled by money. but what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Teddy Bear Tribe.

Cold Uncomfortableness

cold uncomfortableness, like the Nile River long or the oceans emotions cold.

uncomfortableness, like a friendly stab in the back by a person you trust. but i trust no man.

cold, like a man who rapes a young girl with a bright future and decides to mess it up for her because he had to satisfy his needs.

cold uncomfortableness, like a man who sex with a woman but then decides to run away because his father taught him the motto of life is: ditch the mom, leave the baby. cold.

uncomfortableness, like the big people in government who use tax money to buy fast cars, expensive houses. they then forget the people that got them there.

cold, like a 5 year old who gets shot fearlessly.

cold uncomfortableness, like fake gangsters who shoot innocent people because they feel drugs & their needs are bigger than any man on this planet.

uncomfortableness, like human greed which leads a man to be controlled by money. but what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Teddy Bear Tribe.

Two Seconds. Too Late.

by bearpoet, Tlotli.

the day had finally come
the day we reunite
the day we forget that all troubles ever had existence ..
as I look into your big beautiful eyes and you admire the gorgeous smile ..
which you’ve caused to adorn my face
as it slowly comes into place

we had a full-proof plan all things coordinated ..
time, place ..
how we’d react after not seeing each other for what felt like an eternity of cold hard isolation.
little did we know ..
that you’d be two seconds, too late

i’ve arrived, looking as ravishing as always ..
cute outfit, lips glossed, hair combed out just right ..
eyes frantically searching for you
where ever could you be?
am I too early?
was it our fate?
did you have to be two seconds too late?

alas my search was fruitless ..
and with a broken heart ..
I turned and proceeded to walk away from our destiny ..
will you think about me ???
will you love me still ???
try searching for me like I prayed you will ???

with tears in my eyes these questions I asked as they rushed through every synapse in my mind..
oh if only I had turned around to see you arrive !!
buh as it appears all our endeavours have come to no prevail
oh well I guess fate just had to make sure you were two seconds too late ..

Teddy Bear Tribe.

samurai s(words)

like murder driven samurai’s & cerebral poisoned psychopaths we slay each other with words.
i choke you with my words and you hang me with yours, but we don’t die.
instead all that pain lingers at the back of our eyes and it causes us to see red.

like sharp blades running through bruised skin from an injured soul, we silently dissect wounded minds. every one fights a battle.
s(words) are potent, carefully wield yours.

like lost swords in the wind.

im a samurai poet. i use words as oxygen to help you breath and by reading these words you breath again.

i use words as medicine to transfer positive energy to you, samurai reader.

im a samurai thug. im a lost blade in the wind.

i use words like Martin Luther King and set free, i. i set myself free with my own words, i can because im a writer.
words are freedom. words are captivity. words are destruction. words are peace. the tongue is mighty powerful.

i use words to tell dispirited women that their beautiful because they grew up with the idea that beautiful is factory made products. the idea of beautiful is you.

i use words to tell hurt men that they can cry because they grew up being told tigers don’t cry. crying is human, and i was told tears are wisdom distilled.

i use words to tell the youth they can be themselves because they grew up thinking acting like a fake gangster is all there is to life. the world is bigger than that.

im a samurai poet. a samurai thug. these words are blades. thug life.

stay samurai cool.

Teddy Bear Tribe.