shades of gold fall like leaves on the first day of Autumn.
strips of black and white color a man’s blurred vision.
strings of conversation wildly race across a poets mind at 3am.
to have known a flower with such incredible color brings pleasure.

lost petals run away with the wind.
a forest shares secrets of beauty & sin.
shades of brown proudly walk in good knowledge of love.
pure evidence of the existence of the One Above.
your silence speaks volumes.

blue sky, free you are. in this planet with 8 billion searching souls, you’re the only one who doesn’t conform to gravity’s rules.
the many faces of pure you showed me, i adored.
and that piece of mind, for peace in life, you proudly adorned.

its kind of weird, for the first time i saw a raven wearing a fedora.
i think saw wings play drumbeats.
& had my mind go like how dead fish in a river flow.
you ever watch a painting and relive the thoughts of a painter? relive poetry?

that was you.

Teddy Bear Tribe.


  1. Hey I was wondering if u know any sits that are good to post poetry

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