playing possum.

deadly freedom.

i’m deadly. you’re deadly.

freedom isn’t deadly.

many people died for freedom.

so much freedom is wasted because humans are dying inside.

i’m left here to write.

deadly freedom.

freedom done died, my child.

in death, there is freedom.

with freedom comes death.

i write because there is nothing left.

deadly freedom.

death is bag of garbage, young man.

don’t die inside because you want to attain freedom.

freedom lied. death lurks behind.

you have always been free. death is but a short sleep.

your soul is a kite, let it run free.

run free.

freedom is deadly & beautiful.


I’ve been asking myself this question and it’s stuck with me ever since I had a conversation with friends.

Why have we detached ourselves from ourselves? The conversation was about technology and the effect it has on human conversation and interaction.

Looking around, I noticed that people don’t really talk to each other anymore. Yes we text but it has reached a point where texting has replaced, not completely, the joy of a moment with another person. I’ve seen this with myself too. From a younger age, I never really had proper face-to-face conversations with people, I was more comfortable on my phone, in my zone. Hiding away from these moments and as I grew older I started itching for humanly conversation. Being able to watch the facial expressions that people make when I spoke and vice versa.

Recently, getting mugged and my phone stolen, has forced me to actually try to speak to people. And it is hard considering the fact that I am socially awkward even though I am working my way out it.

It’s kind of scary to think the things that are suppose to make life better and easier are turning us into empty people. Technology has left us approval-hungry too. We’re seeking gratification and approval from strangers and that I find twisted y’know. In a way I’d say that technology has dumbed us down. We do/say things without thought.

I watch how people nasty each other up for a few good retweets and is it really worth it? There are these words that I once heard which say, “before you try to impress others think about how your impressions impress you.” Is it still really worth it?

I’m trying out an exercise nowadays which to speak more to people even if voice shakes. It will well be worth it in the end. When you’re around people – family, friends, etc, instead of picking your phone up and texting someone while you are with them, tre and spark a good conversation see how good it feels. It may not be much but it’s much better than missing out on a good moment.

You need to feel. Once in a while.

Hostage To Love

written by #bearpoet, Tlhax.


what’s this that is happening?

hurting me, screwing me, recreating me?

pieces of used shards that keep mending and breaking on me.

that is the sharp broken pieces of my heart stabbing what’s left of it.


its like everytime i find what people call love

i always end up confused and lost like a bird without its flock.

forever drunk inlove no hangover but i’d sure forget to talk,

about the time i’ve wasted on a girl who doesnt understand a clock.


falling for a stranger so they can kidnap you, put in a trance.

they sweep you off your feet and steal your heart.

keeping your heart ransom for your feelings.

sadly, i just told a story of an everyday hostage situation.


through love, we’re all murders, we’re all thiefs, we’re all victims

but is falling inlove worth all the pain and suffering?

just remember what doesnt kill you makes you stronger.


pray that all the strangers you say are perves.

will never stab your what would kill your nerves.

Why Must U Be Unfaithful, a poem by Amaru Shakur

Why must you be unfaithful? For women..
Men, you shouldn’t listen to your selfish heart
It doesn’t really have a brain
Besides keepin you alive, it’s existence is in vain
And how could I be so mean, and say your heart has no place?
Because mortal men fall in love again
as fast as they change their face
I may be cruel, but think awhile about the hearts that you have broken
and match that, with the empty vows and broken promises you’ve spoken
Now I’m not saying females are perfect
cause we know, it’s not true
But why must you be unfaithful
if her heart is true to you?

Love vs Romance vs Lust

written by Tlotli, a #bearpoet.

Love is not romance.

if i requested a show of hands

of ones who’ve mistaken it for a romantic killer.

the number would be infinite .. it never ends


love  is not lust

love in its purest form cant



romance is stolen and sold by foul dealers

it is a poisoned bow which impales

your heart

and then it rusts, rusts and rusts ..

until it has turned into dust ..


this romantic rust dust

portrays lust as love

to your fragile heart

but i assure you my dear lover

lust is not love

it is just lust which harms


thus i urge you to fear it not.

it is afterall just dust

and dust will pass.

it will not last.


love is a strong pillar.

a healer to all who lust has caused their love light to glow dimmer.